March in Salt Lake is wonderful for so many reasons: warmer weather, longer days, the first blooms of spring, and of course, great community events to enjoy without the fear of getting overly chilled upon stepping outside.
It’s our pleasure to announce that the Redman Gallery will be hosting two events in the coming weeks, and we’d love to take a moment to extend our warmest invitations.

On the 13th we will have the quarterlySugar House Art Walk where we will again be featuring the iconic photography of Lee Cohen. The Sugar House Art Walk is an opportunity for businesses in the region to promote local art and music in the community. For updates and a full list of participants in this event, you can follow the Art Walk here.

Then, on the 20th, we will have our monthly Gallery Stroll, which will be a Women’s Group Show celebrating Women’s History Month.

The Redman Gallery is an alternative exhibit space located in the heart of Sugar House. The Redman building itself is of historical significance, and is home to impressive displays throughout the 6th and 7th floors (which also serve as offices to Windermere Real Estate). The gallery proudly features artists working in contemporary and traditional styles. Redman Gallery participates in the quarterly Sugar House Art Walk, as well as the monthly Salt Lake Gallery Stroll. The Redman Gallery is owned by Sophy and Grady Kohler. Exhibits are curated by Camilla Fowler, owner of MILL Art Consulting & Real Estate, and Realtor at Windermere Real Estate.
I hope you will come out and support our local artists! Please let me know if you would like any further information.